National Association of Federal Retirees

Opportunities for Members of NAFR
and Tradex

Tradex’s mission is to provide public servants and their families, trustworthy, professional financial advice and high-quality mutual funds and other investments at low cost. Founded in 1960 by employees of Trade and Commerce and External Affairs, we remain Canada’s only not-for-profit provider of mutual funds and financial advice. Please note the Tradex Funds are available across Canada in all provinces and territories. However, Dealer Services and the Fee-Based-Accounts are currently only available to residents of Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia.

Our Fee-Based-Accounts charge maximum 0.70% per annum (contrast with typical 1.0% – 1.5%) of assets for portfolios of F-series funds customized for each individual regardless of account size by an experienced advisor with the $200 annual administration fee reimbursed for NAFR members. Tradex charges no additional fees.

As of 2016, Tradex is proud to be a preferred partner for Federal Retirees (NAFR formerly FSNA) members. As per below, we offer low-cost Fee-Based-Accounts with full human advice and access to most F series mutual funds available in Canada and some ETF options. Get in touch with one of our advisors now for more information or for your free, no-obligation portfolio review.

Special Tradex offer for Federal Retirees in
ON, QC and BC

Fee-based account at *0.5% – 0.7%
(per annum)
Compared to 1.0% – 1.35%
(per annum)
*(on $100,000+)


administration fee absorbed

Up to $2000
in transfer fees reimbursed to you

Discover a Wealth of Financial
Opportunities with Tradex

Access over 10,000 Canadian mutual funds, segregated funds, GICs, corporate class funds, high-interest savings, and life insurance options. Seamlessly manage a variety of investment accounts, from RRSPs, TFSAs, RESPs, to locked-in RRSPs, in-trust accounts, joint accounts, and more, all complemented by personalized advice and no setup or administration fees.

Book a Free Consultation Today

Book a consultation today and discover insights and strategies tailored
to your financial journey with Tradex.

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