Funds from 40+ Mutual Fund Families

Tradex offers a variety of top rated mutual funds with no sales commissions or transaction fees, including easy transfers from other accounts.

Discover Mutual Fund Options Tailored

for Tradex Members

Tradex continues to offer a wide range of investment options with tailor-made portfolios to meet the individual investor’s needs, goals and preferences

Advantages of Buying Mutual Funds through Tradex

At Tradex, you can invest in mutual funds without worrying about sales commissions, which are typically charged elsewhere. You also enjoy unmatched flexibility to sell your investments or switch to different ones, offering a level of freedom not found with other mutual fund dealers.

Hold a broad range of top rated mutual funds

No sales commissions or transaction fees

We reimburse transfer fees when you move to Tradex

No account set up fees

No redemption fees


For fee-based accounts, Tradex service fees at maximum 0.7% (0.5% over $100,000)

Discover Mutual Fund Options Tailored

for Tradex Members

We receive trailing fees paid by the fund company to defray our costs. Since the trailing fees that we receive are already included in the funds management expense ratio, holding these funds through Tradex does not add to your cost (i.e., Tradex receives this amount rather than another party).

Some of the mutual fund families available through Tradex

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