Tradex Bond Fund
To achieve a combination of income and long-term capital preservation by investing primarily in a diversified portfolio of investment grade Canadian bonds. In addition, up to 30 percent of the portfolio may be invested in income producing equity securities, such as common shares of Canadian companies that pay dividends, real estate investment trusts, preferred shares and income trusts. The average term to maturity of the bond portfolio must be greater than three years.
As at October 31, 2024
Investing in Tradex Bond Fund
Created in 1989, the key objective of the Tradex Bond Fund is to achieve a steady income stream, as well as long-term capital preservation. The fund portfolio is managed by Foyston, Gordon & Payne Inc since 2013. The portfolio advisor utilizes interest rate anticipation, credit sector and security selection strategies in the context of a long term, bottom-up, value oriented approach. The approach for fixed income securities is conservative in nature and is based upon an overall forecast derived from both macroeconomic and technical analysis with the selection of bonds based upon optimal risk/return characteristics
- Seek a regular income from their investment
- Seek a diversified income fund that will provide moderate capital growth
- Are willing to accept a low level of risk
- Are looking to invest in Ottawa in a mutual bond fund that promotes Canadian public and private sector companies.
Risks of Investing in the Fund
- Active management risk, commodity risk, derivative risk (forward contracts), equity risk, exchange-traded fund risk, foreign currency risk, foreign security risk, liquidity risk, real estate companies and investment trusts risk, regulatory risk, securities lending risk, small company risk, specific issuer risk, tax policy risk
- Refer to the Simplified Prospectus for more details
Performance: Period Ending October 31 2024
To view rates of return click here.
To view the Quarterly Reports on the Fund click here.
More Information
To view the Simplified Prospectus, Fund Facts or other Regulatory Documents, click here.
For information on the other two Tradex funds, click Tradex Bond Fund or Tradex Global Equity Fund.
For more details on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Factors, as utilized by Foyston, Gordon and Payne Inc.
Since inception date: September 7, 1989
Portfolio adviser: Foyston, Gordon and Payne Inc.
Total value on October 31, 2024: $24.06 Million
Eligible for registered plans: Yes
Minimum initial investment*: $1,000
Minimum subsequent investment: $100
Fund code: TMI002
Volatility: Low
*The $1,000 minimum is waived in cases where the investor sets up a regular pre-authorized debit plan from his/her bank account. It is also waived in cases where parents or grandparents establish an in trust account for a minor.